AboutI am a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer at the University of Graz, involved in the Knowledge in Crisis project. In addition, I am an associated staff member at the Husserl Archives at KU Leuven. My research focuses on issues at the intersection of phenomenology, ethics, epistemology, and feminist philosophy.
Before joining the University of Graz, I was postdoctoral fellow at KU Leuven and the University of Fribourg. Further, I was a research assistant at the University of Montreal and a research affiliate at the Cologne Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition (CONCEPT) and at the Husserl-Archiv at the University of Cologne. I obtained my PhD in philosophy (Doctor Europaeus) in 2018 from Roma Tre University, with a dissertation entitled Wesen, Eidos and Normativity in Husserl's Phenomenology. During my PhD studies, I was a visiting researcher at the Husserl Archives at KU Leuven and an Ernst-Mach research fellow at the University of Graz. I first studied philosophy at the University of Rome La Sapienza (BA, MA) and at KU Leuven (MPhil). Some other things about me: I am Italian and Canadian, born and raised in Rome. I love dogs, classic literature, music, hiking, and traveling. I spend my life with an epistemologist and our sweet daughter Delia. Together with Phyla Kupferschmidt and Camila Ramírez Clavería, I co-founded the HIW Women’s Society for Early Career Researchers (WSECaR) at KU Leuven. I am Book Review Editor of The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. Contact: [email protected] ; emanuela.carta@kuleuven.be (she/her) |