- Edited volume in preparation: Husserl's Studies on the Structure of Consciousness. Issues and Perspectives (together with Gabriel Lago de Sousa Barroso and Julia Jansen). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Forthcoming. 'The idea of humanity in Husserl’s Kaizo Articles: Between Eurocentrism and Universalism', in G. Uemura, E. Caminada, & J. Jansen (eds.), Essays on Husserl’s Kaizo Articles. Historical Context, Systematic Questions, Global Perspectives, Karl Alber.
- Forthcoming. 'Husserl on position-taking (Stellungnahme)' (with Alexis Delamare), in E. Carta, G. Lago de Sousa Barroso and J. Jansen (eds.), Husserl's Studies on the Structure of Consciousness. Issues and Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Forthcoming. ‘Deconstructing Essences. Derrida’s Two Criticisms of Essentialism’, in T. Grohmann (ed.), The Phenomenology of Essences. New York: Routledge
- 2023. 'Approval, Reflective Emotions, and Virtue: Sentimentalist Elements in Husserl’s Philosophy', British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
- 2023. ‘Remarks on Evidence and Truth in Husserl’s Theory of Justification', in D. De Santis (ed.), Edmund Husserl's Cartesian Meditations. Commentary, Interpretations, Discussions. Karl Alber: Baden-Baden, pp. 375-400.
- 2022. ‘On the Distinction between Husserl’s Notions of Essence and of Idea in the Kantian Sense’, in B. C. Hopkins, J. J. Drummond (eds.), The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: Volume 19, Reinach and Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Routledge, pp. 177-194.
- 2022. ‘Sinngebung’, in E. Husserl, Fenomenologia dell’inconscio. I casi limite della coscienza, Milano: Mimesis.
- 2021. ‘Husserl on Eidetic Norms’, Husserl Studies 37(2): 127–146.